About the centre

The CDT aims to grow the next generation of research leaders and innovators, allowing them to develop a broad economic, societal, and contextual awareness, as well as strong technical skills that will enable them to operate within multi-disciplinary team. We will create a group of over 50 experts in related fields who will underpin a low carbon future.
Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) is integral to the culture of the CDT in Resilient Decarbonised Fuel Energy Systems. 
Tunnel with lights

The CDT aims to reduce CO2 emissions and support an environmentally friendly but reliable energy world by developing and implementing:

  • Techniques to allow carbon neutral fuels such as biomass and hydrogen to be used in systems designed for fossil fuels.
  • Use of CO2 as a chemical feedstock for industry and manufacture – turning waste into a product.
  • Use of biomass as a feedstock for chemical processes as a replacement for fossil fuels.
  • CO2 capture technologies for a range of industrial sectors, including power, iron, steel, cement and glass-making.
  • Automation of energy-intensive processes to improve flexibility and emission performance.

Why study with us?

Please note that recuitment into this CDT has now ended.

Our Universities

The Centre is an equal partnership of the Universities of Cardiff, Sheffield, and Nottingham, with Nottingham as the host University. Students can be based at any University. All partners have expertise in Carbon Capture, Usage and Storage (CCUS), combustion, fuel science and technology, biomass and energy systems. 

Cardiff’s expertise covers gas turbines, including multi-component fuels and offers access to major gas turbine research facilities at GTRC (Margam). 

Sheffield’s expertise includes power plant simulation and modelling of both biomass and gas turbine combustion and offers access to the UK Pilot-scale Translational Energy Research Centre (TERC).  

Nottingham facilities include the analytical facility for research on fuel characterisation, CCUS and thermochemical conversions of biomass, a hydrothermal carbonisation facility and a sorbent capture looping facility.

Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI)

People walking on rainbow road crossing

EDI is integral to the culture of the CDT in Resilient Decarbonised Fuel Energy Systems. The student-led CDT EDI working group actively advises the management on EDI matters for all our activities. The CDT values and promotes talent regardless of protected characteristics. We foster an inclusive culture in which everyone feels free from discrimination, respected, comfortable, and valued. There is a zero-tolerance policy towards bullying and harassment of any kind in the CDT.

CDT supervisors undertake training in unconscious bias and managing diversity. 

Adjustments arising from a disability, or flexible working patterns to facilitate childcare are accommodated to the best of our ability. Additional support is available for disabled students through EPSRC’s Disabled Student Allowance

The CDT and universities support flexible working patterns and adhere to Athena Swan best practice in limiting out of hours meetings and events. The Faculty of Engineering at the University of Nottingham was awarded the Athena Gold Award in 2020, an accreditation which rewards excellence in advancing gender equality across higher education and research.

Please find more information on EDI from each of the partner universities: